Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's funny how other people's words make me think the most.

Today I read this blog by some really wise lady about opposite sex friendships. Her post was geared specifically towards females, and it was really eye-opening and rather refreshing to read. For once, someone had finally gone out of there way to tell us girls what we don't want to hear, but she really made some valid points, for instance:

  • Guys and girls were made opposite sexes for a reason. And it wasn't to just be friendsGod made our hearts different for a reason. Men and women were not created equally. While we were both created with hearts to love unconditionally, we have all really taken out of context what it means to be a good opposite-sex friend.
  • As women, we often forget that no man, no matter how good of a friend he is to you, should be the one that you confide in about all of the turbulent places in the world that will inevitably take over your sweet heart and mind.
    In the midst of our late teen/early 20s/young adult years, opposite-sex friendships can be dangerous territory. Emotions, personal pasts, and physical touch can lead us down messy and vicious roads that our hearts may be unprepared for. Take this time in your life to prepare your heart, and do not allow it to be a held a by a man who is not willing to take in all of you. You were created to be loved and cherished; you are a prize, a treasure. But most importantly, a man should seek Him before he seeks you.
  • If one of you finds yourself dating someone, do not spend ample time with one another. Don't seek the wrong kind of relationship from your opposite-sex friends.
    Surround yourself with good ladies. Don't get me wrong: MALE FRIENDS ARE FUN AND NICE AND ALL OF THAT GOOD STUFF. But it's so important to protect your heart from someone who could have the wrong intentions. That's the thing about guys and girls. God didn't makes us the same, and that goes for our hearts as well. We want different things, but we're searching for it in the same places. 
I hate to get all preach-y, and by no means do I think I'm an expert on anything. But I think that the words that I read were really cool, and I just wanted to share them with you all, especially my lovely Phi Lamb sisters! 

Our hearts were made with genuine purpose. So please don't let it be taken advantage of.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Too many blessings to count.

Words cannot explain what a huge part of my heart that these girls have.

Recent happenings.

A million and one blessings all in one night. ΣΦΛ Formal 2012 was seriously the most fun that I've had in a long time. I was so busy being sick and tired of being sick and tired that I forgot about all of the amazing people in my life that I can about so much. So, new goal: live more, worry less.

Also, Happy Easter y'all :)
