Monday, August 13, 2012

Belated Rise 2012 post.

So let's just start by saying that I am surrounded by some of the most incredible people in the entire world.
 Top photo (L to R): Maggie Heath, Nate Walker, me!
Bottom left photo: Zach Sandefur... and me!
Bottom right photo: Maggie Heath (yet again) and Zeke Mills
If I could explain my love for these people, we'd be here forever.

 Pteradactyl game with my amazing counselors, co-chair, and cabin girls!
Extra spcial love sent out to: Hannah Pinkston, Casey Braun, and Anna Richards

See that smile up there? I don't think I've ever had a more genuine smile in my entire life.

Rise 2012. Woah. What an incredible weekend. I've said that several times before, but really. One of THE best weekends of my entire life. SO many people on fire for Christ, and just plain excited about life in general. It was such an incredible blessing to see so many incoming freshmen/transfer students getting excited about college and learning how to maintain their faith throughout these imperative years of our lives. Students bonded and created friendships with each other and with the staff.

I have never been so in love with a group of people in my life. After praying for our campers all year long, I was more than ready to meet them in person! By the time I got to see them face to face, I was head over heels. In addition to working with THE BEST STAFF IN THE ENTIRE WORLD (!!!), we got the best campers ever. We all know how camp goes. First day is super awkward and no one wants to sing, or talk to each other, or show their real personality. Or maybe that's just me... Regardless, seeing the difference in last year's campers (my group!) and this year's was ridiculous. As a freshman, I never would have been as enthusiastic as they were, but thank You, Jesus, for sending us students who were so excited for You!!!

The weekend was perfect. Everything about it was incredible. I think that both staff and students were spiritually filled. Lifting each other up, praying for each other, and washing each other's feet were all miracles within themselves. I have never felt so loved and cared for, so I can only imagine how our campers must have felt.

I am so excited to be apart of this family, to finally feel like I'm part of something. My heart is seriously so overwhelmed right now that I can't explain it. All I know is that God has a plan for this year, and His light is going to be shining so brightly on campus that people will have no other choice than to follow it!!

For I know that plans that I have for you... Plans to prosper and for a good future.
Jeremiah 29:11

Good things are happening. And they're just beginning.
