Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This is the sound of the hearts You've set free.

More than a month later, and I am still crying to Jesus for Rise 2012 and the incredible summer that He blessed me with... Sorry. It's not my fault that He made my heart so (secretly) soft! Besides being head over heels for all of the beautiful brothers and sisters that have entered my life recently, I'm also kind of even enjoying school... Is this real life? Yep! Priorities have been changed (after talking about it for so long, I decided that it was finally time to, you know, DO it). School and my continually growing relationship with Jesus Christ are really my only concerns right now. That being said, my relationship with Christ is also growing through others, which is something that I've never been able to experience before, but I am loving it!

It means a lot for me to type these next few words, but I mean them so so genuinely: I have never been happier with my life than I am right now. I am surrounded by an incredible community of people who love & care about me, and for the first time in a very long time, I no longer feel like a burden. I don't feel like I'm a waste of space or like I'm somewhere where people don't want me around.

God's intentions for me are so clear. He has placed me at Texas State for a reason. My heart is so excited for everything that is coming up this semester, but I don't want to ruin it by blurting it out right now, soooooo you'll have to wait just a bit. :-)

Pray on, my beautiful friends. And remember: you did not choose Him, but He chose you. He has called us to bear fruit that will last, and nothing will last unless it is tended to!


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