Sunday, October 28, 2012

first john four twelve?

"No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and His love is made complete in us."

Everything I've been searching for came to me in a SoulRev message today (for those of you with these great phones that do everything but cook dinner... DOWNLOAD IT NOW! It's fantastic, and helps you keep your heart & mind on the right track.)

Should I have been a "good Christian" and already known of this verse's existence? Oh, absolutely. But to be completely honest, I'm still trying to get this whole thing down.

The Bible is such a cool book, and I'm only just discovering this. It's provided me with so many answers these past few months that I never would have found otherwise.

So as per my typical late night rambles of happiness, goodness, and the love of Jesus Christ, I bid each of you all wonderful days/weeks/months/years (cue Friends theme song... Clap clap clap clap.) There's a lot more that I want to share with the world, but were all just going to have to wait.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

October schmoctober.

There's a change in your heart when you finally stop searching for something or someone to serve you and pour into you, and when you actually begin serving and pouring into others. My heart has been so overwhelmed these past few months, and I can't wait to continue pursuing all of these opportunities that God has blessed me with to further continue serving His Kingdom.

I am absolutely head over heels for the people who are surrounding me right now, especially a few girls in particular whom I've been able to love and pour into. Up until a few weeks ago, I was so persistent upon finding a ministry, and more importantly I was focused on what would be good for ME. Where would I go that would help ME? What would benefit ME? Where would I feel comfortable, where would there be enough friends for ME? Me me me me me. I think we can all see what the problem was here.

Long story short, God graciously guided me to the right place, and the right people, and I couldn't be happier with where I am. Stress-free, surrounded by goodness, and constantly in the presence of incredible men & women of God, this semester has already been one for the books.

I am here for a reason, and now I'm just seeking the different ways to fulfill it.