Sunday, October 28, 2012

first john four twelve?

"No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and His love is made complete in us."

Everything I've been searching for came to me in a SoulRev message today (for those of you with these great phones that do everything but cook dinner... DOWNLOAD IT NOW! It's fantastic, and helps you keep your heart & mind on the right track.)

Should I have been a "good Christian" and already known of this verse's existence? Oh, absolutely. But to be completely honest, I'm still trying to get this whole thing down.

The Bible is such a cool book, and I'm only just discovering this. It's provided me with so many answers these past few months that I never would have found otherwise.

So as per my typical late night rambles of happiness, goodness, and the love of Jesus Christ, I bid each of you all wonderful days/weeks/months/years (cue Friends theme song... Clap clap clap clap.) There's a lot more that I want to share with the world, but were all just going to have to wait.


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