Saturday, February 18, 2012

Count your blessings, but first realize what they are.

I finally got some time to slow down this weekend. After helping a friend out with a youth lock-in on Friday night, we came back early Saturday afternoon, and I was finally able to catch up on some much-needed rest. I have taken today as a mental health day that consisted of some geography-studying, watching GRΣΣK on Netflix (if you are in college, and you haven't seen this series, then shame on you. It is wonderful), enjoying the Girl Scout cookies that my mom brought me last weekend, and endlessly listening to the Passion 2011 CD (another thing that you should really check out if you haven't done so already. More good stuff). In between all of these ridiculously time-consuming endeavors (ha), I found my mind wandering off in a million different directions that lead me to one solid conclusion: I am an incredibly blessed individual. Seriously. Literally the first thought I had when I woke up this morning was, "I made it to today. If that's not something to be excited about, then I don't know what is." Don't ask me why I thought it (it's definitely not something that I think every morning. Guilty), but I did. This one thought, this one thing that came to my mind when I woke up this morning, stuck with me all day. 

I used to whine and complain about being alone all the time. Okay, I still do. A lot. I'm scared of being alone a lot of the time, and I really like to have people around me, but more than that, I like to be accepted. I don't know what it's been about this past week, but something inside of me has been bursting with excitement, and I think it's because I'm coming to some closure. I'm realizing that I AM NOT ALONE. I have good friends, an incredible family, and an equally awesome church home that I thank God everyday for bringing me to. If it weren't for the people that I've met at church and a lot of the relationships built through Phi Lamb, I'm not sure what kind of state that I'd be in. I get a lot of crap for being in a "Christian sorority" because there's this misconception that we're just a bunch of marriage-hungry girls who want to date the Christian frat guys. The way I see it, every college girl that you meet in your life is going to be excited about getting married... but let us please take into consideration that we've all been pretty stoked about marrying a man, wearing a pretty dress, and have had our bridesmaids picked out since we were about 5 years old. Same goes for dating and relationships and all of that nonsense. College girls want boyfriends. If we're pursuing a Christian relationship, narrowing it down to young men in a Christian organization just make it that much easier. 

But I'm totally missing the point of this post by ranting on and trying to justify myself, when such justification isn't necessary. 

I've met incredible people at Texas State. I'm here for a reason. To be totally honest, I'm not sure what that long-term reason is, but I know that I've met the people that are currently in my life for a reason. They may be here for a lifetime, or they could be here for a season or two, but I'm leaving that up to God. He's handed me many blessings, and now I think it's time to count them, one by one.

Enjoy your daily happenings, my lovely brothers and sisters. :)

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