Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hey there my wonderful brothers & sisters in Christ

I am currently in this very early mid-semester slump. My job has gone from perfect to disastrous to nonexistent to mediocre in a very short amount of time. My classes are boring me beyond any possible comprehension, and I have very little desire to attend them.  I'm questioning every choice that I'm making this semester, and to be quite frank, I'm physically tired. Now I know that this is beginning to sound the Whining Blog for Dummies, but I'm going somewhere with this. Trust me. 

God has placed me in some incredible places over the past few months. I've been blessed to become a part of the Sigma Phi Lambda sisterhood here at Texas State. I've met some of my best friends through this group, and I'm so pleased to call each and every one of them my sisters. Also, by the grace of God Himself, was accepted onto the Rise Retreat staff as a member of the prayer team. Don't ask me how or why, because I'm still trying to figure that out. I knew that I wanted to do a camp. And I knew that I wanted to be involved with every person's well-being. So when I ran into my friend Nickie, who happens to be this year's Prayer Exec, she managed to talk me into applying for a spot on the Prayer Team, which I'd never thought of doing. Long story short, I prayed about it, filled out my app, had my interview, and BAM. There I was, smackdab in the middle of 50+ people, scared out of my mind. But that's a story that I'll save for later. Last but not least, God somehow found this great church for me to be a part of the minute I got to college, and He allowed me to serve with their youth group. There are literally SO MANY amazing people who I've met at Gruene UMC that I can't even begin to express how freaking blessed I am to be allowed to call this place my new church home.

In addition to all of this, I have a newly acquired knee injury, due to nothing more than pure clumsiness and my blatant disregard towards rules, that had me in the ER on Sunday night. So on Monday, I frantically tried to find a place here in San Marcos that would take my insurance from back home, schedule an appointment with said doctor, and find a ride to & from. Needless to say, the past week and a half has been nothing short of one of God's tests of my strengths and abilities. He is placing a lot of trust in me right now, trust that I'm not sure I deserve, but man am I blessed to have been granted it. Although it will definitely take a toll on my strength and my sanity, I have a feeling that this obstacle is going to teach me something. I'm just not sure what it is yet.

With all of that being said, it's safe to say that this semester is going to be crazy hectic, and I need a place to let loose, share my words, and spread my faith. Maybe you'll read this. Maybe you won't. But just know that while you're struggling with anything and everything, you're not alone. Need a prayer request? Hit me up. I'm always looking for a reason to talk to Jesus!

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