Thursday, May 24, 2012

Home is where the heart is.

Stupid and cliché, yet delightfully relevant. I went home for the first time since January last weekend. I've been able to see my family multiple times this semester (much more than I did last semester), but there's really nothing that beats going back to your roots for a couple of days. I got to see my precious baby sister dance in her annual dance recital (see photos below), and she blew my mind as usual. Chatting with my mom is always fun, and my little brother constantly makes me laugh. Hanging out with my dad is secretly one of my favorite things to do sometimes though (depending on either of our moods). I'm so blessed to have been raised by two amazing people who want nothing less than the best for me. My parents never fail to lift me up and encourage me to do what's right for ME. Having them around for the past 19 years has been the best thing ever.

"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12

I'm not the biggest fan of the Old Testament for the mere fact that it is what it is: old. Times have changed a lot since the bible was written, and expectations & reality tend to contradict each other sometimes, but I think that this a timeless piece of advice. Love the people who brought you into this world, because you'll never get anyone else like them.


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