Monday, July 9, 2012

The past 6 weeks/the upcoming 6 weeks/life after that.

Here's a bit of a life update, if you so choose to read.
I just finished summer school--YAY! And (drum roll please)... I GOT A B IN MY COLLEGE ALGEBRA CLASS! I know. Big feat, right? Well for me, yes. Math is not my thing. But these past few weeks have really helped me reassess my priorities and have allowed me to focus my mind on things that really matter, which leads me to my next point...
This is my last week at my current job. Leaving the day care breaks my heart because I work with such good people and my love for the kids there is ridiculous. But right now, I need a break. I've been running on empty for what seems like forever (when really its only been since about mid-January). So in the fall, it will be back to school, back to school, to prove to dad I'm not a fool, sans the day care job. While I will no longer have to worry about work schedules, biters, dirty diapers, and scrubbing toys to my wit's end, I'll have a little bit more time to focus not only on school but also on my relationship with this guy named Jesus.
I've spent the last few months (up until a few weeks ago) avoiding all things that could steer me in the right direction (sleeping instead of churching, ignoring the bible that I artfully placed next to my bed, etc.) in terms of good decisions. But about 6 weeks ago, I started going to church again regularly, and I got back in the habit of hanging out with the youth at Gruene UMC (all of whom are HUGE BLESSINGS in my life). I was particularly floored when I walked into the building after not having been around for half a semester or so and hearing one of the students cry out "SHE'S BACK!" and processing to jump on me in a way that I can only describe as excitingly, albeit lovingly. Which brought to my mind the thought of "well if this kid has missed me this much, imagine how much God has missed seeing me around to glorify Him?"
And so now I'm off to hang out with our high school youth at camp next week (a first for me, as I've never attended a camp led by a particular denomination) and I'm so excited to get to bind with them and hang out and talk with them about Jesus. My goal for the year is to be more than just some girl who hangs out and plays crazy Steve Smith games with them, and hopefully become someone they can actually talk to and confide in.
That being said, I've got a lot on my plate, and I'm praying constantly!! This summer is proving to be an exciting one with a lot of changes, but I think I like them.

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