Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Oh hey there 2013.

Welp. Two months into the new year, I figure it's time for a new post. Especially considering that I started this blog exactly one year (!!!!!) ago yesterday. For starters, I've given myself a few projects for the year, including, but not limited to:

  • One photo per day, for the general public/social media community. This year, I resolved to be a more consistent person (in a number of things), as well as resolving to seek out change and growth (as per usual).
  • Reading my Bible more (duh).
  • Studying doctrine of the Christian faith, which kind of ties in with reading the Good Book some more. Okay, not kind of. It has everything to do with it. This was also not an idea of my own brain, but of the wonderful brain of Kelsey Kite Nelson, whom I absolutely adore. Most of this is to reach my personal goal of being able to intelligently and diligently defend my faith and my belief system with something other than "Uhm, you know, Jesus is like, pretty cool and stuff". Which duh. I think that He is, but not everybody feels that way.
  • Continue to grow on a daily basis and fail forward (one of my new favorite phrases). Make mistakes and learn from them. Do the wrong thing. Remember how bountiful God's grace is and how sufficient His love is, and don't deny yourself of that.
Reflecting on where I was a year ago (trying to be positive, but having that ugly, deep-down, 7th grade poetry-writing feeling in my stomach) and thinking of where I am now (happier than I have ever been), I've learned the importance of seasons. Not just like spring, summer, fall, and winter, because God knows that those don't exist in Texas, but personal seasons of experience. As miserable as I was at that point in my life, I wouldn't go back and change it for anything in the world, because a series of very fortunate events (see what I did there?) lead me to where I am today: serving the Lord with fear, trembling, and the strongest desire to change; leading in ways that I never thought would be possible; planning the next few years of my life with some kind of certainty; and legitimately enjoying everyday that passes. I hate to be cheesy and cliche, but a lot of it is thanks to these lovely people right here:

My best friends and future roommates. They hold me accountable, tell me to shut up when necessary, and love me so unconditionally. Whenever I feel like God's plan for me is going the wrong way, they keep me centered.

These ridiculous fellas right here are another huge part of my support system. The big brothers that I never had (or wanted for that matter) who drive me absolutely insane on a regular basis, but who I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

This general group of individuals have my entire heart and nothing less. It is within Cru that I've discovered my self-worth, my gifts, and how to love at all times. Living on a mission with them has been such an experience that I can't wait to continue growing in.

I realize that these posts may seem redundant.

But that's only because they are.

But a few more major points in my life:
  • I was asked to be the godmother of my best friend's child. I have laughed and cried with her for the past five years, and she is the most consistent person that I've ever had in my life, and I can't wait to be a figure in this child's life.
  • I know that I'm in the right major. My heart for serving the public school system and showing Christ's love to kids is a gift that I'll never take for granted.
  • My GPA is no longer significantly lower than your average gas prices.
  • My roommates and I are house searching... and hopefully will be signing. Soon!
I could honestly go on and on about how abundant God's love and grace are in my life, but your eyes would probably bleed, so you might as well ask me in person. I love to talk. But you should know that.

Pray on, ladies & gents.

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