Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Went on Summer Project and All I Got Was This Lousy Blog Post

Just kidding. Duh. Here's a life update in photographic form for those of you who aren't constantly stalking my Facebook/Instagram/Twitter updates (and shame on you for that). 

It all started with a Jesus Calling devotional...

Followed by a trip to the outlook at College of the Ozarks for worship. 

Where I got to meet (part of) my sweet growth team. 

Then, somehow, we misplaced out staff members, and had to go find them at the Branson Landing. 

There was a bowling night where we all donned our best thrift shop attire that would even make Macklemore proud. 

There was a small group date to a mini-golf course. 

And a six-mile hike that ended with a rewarding swim in the Buffalo River. 

Gorgeous sunsets are abundant here; photos do no justice. 

Best 4th of July. Ever. 

A trip to Silver Dollar City to unwind. 

And the time to say farewell to our amazing staff came way too soon. They've taught us much, and have left the project in the hands of 31 very capable college students, as well as the Lord. 

I wholeheartedly believe that none of us are here by accident. God doesn't make mistakes. Our purpose and our intent has been made clear to us, and we are living it out. Thank you all so much for being some of the greatest people the Lord has ever placed in my life. 

"You did not choose me, but I chose you, and appointed you so that you would bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give to you." John 15:16

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